Ace the LEED Green Associate Exam 2024 – Go Green, Go Great!

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Question: 1 / 50

What are the five main occupant comfort strategies to meet the EQ credit requirements?

Improve daylight, optimize heating, increase sound isolation, provide thermal comfort, improve views

Improve daylight, enhance insulation, optimize acoustic performance, provide thermal comfort, improve views

Improve daylight, improve interior lighting, optimize acoustic performance, provide thermal comfort, improve views

The correct response highlights the importance of enhancing occupant comfort through various environmental aspects within a building. Improving daylight access is crucial as it not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of indoor spaces but also positively affects the occupants' psychological well-being and productivity. Optimizing acoustic performance is another key strategy, as managing noise levels can significantly contribute to a more peaceful environment conducive to work, study, or relaxation. Providing thermal comfort ensures that indoor temperatures are maintained within a comfortable range, which is essential for keeping occupants satisfied and focused. Improving views connects occupants to the outside environment, which can also improve their mood and overall satisfaction in the space. The other options include elements that don’t align as closely with the standard occupant comfort strategies outlined in LEED criteria. For example, enhancing insulation or optimizing water usage, while beneficial for building efficiency, do not primarily address direct occupant comfort needs. Thus, the combination in the correct choice effectively encompasses the holistic approach to creating comfortable indoor environments according to LEED’s emphasis on occupant well-being.

Optimize water usage, enhance ventilation, improve daylight, provide thermal comfort, improve views


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